Thursday, June 17, 2010

Iron Man 2

A moving psychological study of men who have everything but a healthy sense of self. A series of high tech temper tantrums. A curious mix of American self regard and self loathing. What does this look like in Accra? Kracow? Bangkok? Quito?
A monstrous vision of infantile consumers weilding terrible weapons with no concern for collateral damage. A frightening caricature of politics, consumer culture, and the military-industrial complex. Rockwell nearly steals the show, making Downy's brattiness seem almost tasteful. The scary thing is that I know people like this. A comic book without a hero--only villians...interesting idea.
The message is that if you are powerful enough to construct reality--if your hegemony, dominance is truly full spectrum--you can do anything and not only get away with it but be celebrated for your crimes. Symbolism of creation of new atomic element. Actually creating reality and the world as you go. If you are this powerful your character flaws become ideals, desireable instead of dispicable traits. You can do no wrong b/c you have taken the place of god.
In aesthetic terms this means the triumph of bad taste, and Iron Man 2 is (ironically? self-consciously?) exemplary of the premise.

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